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Category Archives: Aircraft launch

February 7, 2023

Overflight permits are authorizations from Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) to overfly that country’s airspace. These differ in terms of regulations and airspace coverage area, depending on the country.

Whether you’re operating a private or commercial flight, charter, passengers or cargo trip, an overflight permit is required which entails complete flight information and Aircraft documents.

Nigeria has its own set of rules, regulations, and procedures for permits to aircraft wishing to land or even enter their air space.

According to the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority’s aeronautical information publication (or AIP), any aircraft owner/operator wishing to fly in Nigerian airspace must apply to the air transport department at least 48 working hours before the flight’s departure time.

If you are planning a passenger flight landing or a technical stop, the Nigeria Airports Authority has its own regulations regarding the issuance of a Nigeria Overflight permit, as there is usually a fee involved. These fees include Navigation Facility Charges, landing and parking charges if the aircraft makes a stop.

Nigeria is a signatory to the Chicago Convention, so flight conditions and crews must strictly comply with ICAO general rules of international air traffic and their regulations for transporting troops, equipment, materials, and dangerous goods.